Alzheimer's is a vicious disease that steals away the most precious parts of a person's identity. Those suffering can find themselves feeling isolated and afraid.

But what if we could preserve those pieces somewhere safe?

Imagine if a patient could carry their voice in their pocket - one that would always advocate for their needs. How would their lives transform?

An advocate with your voice

BestSelf is a digital duplicate of individuals experiencing dementia and Alhezimers that preserves their essence. The process involves creating a comprehensive recording of the user’s life and history, referred to as an Aiography.

The Aiography serves as the foundation for the BestSelf app, powering it with the user’s voice, memories, and distinctive personality.

The BestSelf app operates on a flexible spectrum from simple assistant to full-time advocate, adapting according to the progression of the disease.



    BestSelf is a useful digital assistant that manages calendar invites, organizes notes, and sets reminders. It can also play music and movies, search the web, and send texts or make calls. BestSelf learns and adapts to your routines and preferences for a personalized experience.



    BestSelf serves as a memory aid, using information gathered from daily use. It reminds users of their schedules, important events, key people, and places, improving daily life. BestSelf reflects the user, preserving their sense of independence while offering support.

    Most importantly, by keeping the user active and social, they can slow the progression of their disease.



    On good days, BestSelf discreetly informs users who they are talking to, where they are, and what they are doing.

    On tough days, BestSelf speaks up for the user's needs and wants, helping them feel comfortable. Selecting satisfying meals, engaging activities, and familiar music.

    Family members also benefit, being able to communicate with their loved one in a way that is familiar and comforting.

The Benefits of BestSelf

  • Getting help from BestSelf is, in essence, like getting help from your own best self. You discover the tools and support needed to foster a happier, more fulfilled version of yourself while experiencing significantly reduced stress levels. This transformation leads to happier clients who are better equipped to navigate life's challenges.

  • Plays a crucial role in significantly enhancing memory from the early stages of development. This improvement enables clients to maintain their daily routines with both ease and increased confidence, allowing them to navigate their day-to-day activities more effectively.

  • Maintaining clients’ daily routines not only keeps them more active and engaged but also fosters social interactions—both of which are well-known factors that contribute to slowing the progression of various diseases. By encouraging regular activities and connections, we can help enhance their quality of life and promote overall well-being.

  • BestSelf deeply understands and appreciates a client’s unique individual tastes and personal preferences. This insight can serve as an invaluable and helpful reminder to caregivers regarding which specific activities or tasks a client would particularly enjoy and benefit from most.

  • BestSelf diligently observes the client’s daily activities, providing a comprehensive overview of their well-being. Families can rest easier knowing that the system is capable of identifying and reporting any instances of mistreatment that may occur, ensuring a safer environment for their loved ones.

  • Families can become increasingly distant when confronted with the harsh and often overwhelming reality of the disease’s relentless progression. BestSelf actively nurtures that vital connection by ensuring there is always a familiar and comforting face available to visit and engage with during these challenging times.